Tuesday 6 December 2011

Do you know what the 'S' word is.....?

Bathtime has got to one of my  favourite times of day...not only because it signals the end of the day and that I am that much closer to sitting down and pouring myself a glass of wine but because it is when my children have the most hilarious discussions/arguments!

This evenings topic was swear words!

"Do you know what the 'S' word is Chester", pipes up Tallulah whilst brushing her teeth.
"um...yes...i think it is..."

"Don't say it", I shreak, fearing that at the age of 4 my son is going to scream profanities from the bathroom loud enough for my neighbours to hear.

"It is 'Shut up' isnt it?" says Chester, very pleased with himself.

"Yes", I say relieved that this was the worst 'S' word he could come up with!

"Oh ok", says Tallulah "Do you know what the 'B' word is then...I do!"

I give her a hard stare and tell her this is not a good conversation and to continue brushing her teeth.

"Is it 'Bloody'??" says Chester unsure.

I nod but before I can tell Chester that it is a bad word and that he mustn't say it Tallulah pipes up very smugly,

"Actually no it is not...I know what it is. Shall I say it?"

"No", I reply "just whisper it to me."

Tallulah leans over the bath a whispers to me

"It is 'Bum'......And would you like to know the 'F' word...?...'Four Bums'!"

Wednesday 16 November 2011

You're Late...you're late...for a very important date!

Well actually you're not late exactly... in fact a few days early.
Princess Tallulah turns 7 on Monday 28th of November and to mark this auspicious occasion in true Abigail style I have completely gone over the top and organised an Alice in Wonderland party that is beyond the realms of sensible!

I'm not sure quite how I let it get so out of hand but once the theme was decided I just couldn't really stop myself and so for the last month much to my husbands dismay I have been making costumes and props...My house literally looks like a prop store for disney...and I am not exaggerating. But heck you only turn 7 once right?

I can't quite believe that this gorgeous little creature that came into my life nearly 7 years ago is actually mine...she delights me daily and frustrates me hourly but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. She is so wonderfully easy going and so very easy to please that she would quite honestly be happy with a simple tea party but I know she is excited beyond comprehension about this event next week and I know.. yes yes...so am I!

So to mark the start of the celebrations I took her out into the woods at the weekend... all dressed up as Alice to do a little photo shoot. Blessed with beautiful wintery sunshine I snapped away as she ran around swishing her petticoats and had her own little mad hatters tea party complete with antique tablecloths, china tea cups and biscuits!

I only hope the party itself is one she will remember when she is all grown up...not that i want her to grow up mind you...i really like her as she is!

Happy Birthday my beautiful little Tallulah.


Tuesday 13 September 2011

School Daze!

Today was the day...Chester started big school. Big sigh....
I was fighting back the tears as Tallulah gently coaxed him into his uniform this morning ever the nurturing older sister that she is.
My chatty little four year old will now be spending his days chatting with someone else... and most likely being told to keep quiet too!
He is more than ready for big school... its me thats not ready to let go. I thought it would be easier second time around...When Tallulah started school I was a wreck but put it down to hormones as I was expecting Felix at the time but it was no easier this morning when I sat Chester down to play with the lego and said goodbye...at least I managed to leave the classroom before starting to cry!

He had his home visit last week.. Two of his teachers came to our house to visit him and chat about school. The first thing he did was invite them into the garden to watch a display of forward rolls that he had been practicing. He then proceeded to tell them all about guns and artillery and that when he grows up he will most likely be a special agent.
'Do you have any questions you would like to ask us about school Chester?' enquired Mrs Tuttle.
'Erm, Yes... Do you have guns at school?'

Oh dear! I laughed rolling my eyes ever so slightly worried that they might think he was serious.

He told them that he likes dressing up and was it possible to wear his batman costume to school.
I explained that he has a vivid imagination and that I am not always sure of his academic prowess but he does   know how to command an audience and can be relied on to provide some amusing entertainment and just occasionally you may have to tell him to keep quiet!

So have fun at school my little special agent.


Saturday 13 August 2011

My Soul Happy

I love going to my Granny's house...there is something about arriving at the top of her narrow road and that bumpy journey down hill, the fields either side and spotting her little bungalow just before reaching the bottom. I get goosebumps everytime.


As children we spent so many holidays exploring the surrounding fields and taking walks and picnics. I remember making tents from blankets in the back garden and eating tuna fish sandwiches. My Grandads old bike perched against the back wall and his shed with the wobbly door. Countless photos displayed on top of the piano in the lounge and the mismatched china teasets all displayed in the dresser. It is such a special place to me and I love the fact that I can now take my children there to experience the same feelings of freedom and adventure.
I have recently started a photography course and my first weeks task was to take a photo of something that makes you Soul Happy...I have deliberated for days. I realised after looking back over my photos from this recent trip with the children that this little house in the middle of nowhere has so many happy memories for me that it is a definite contender for my soul happy!

Unfortunately I could only submit one image and it had to be taken specifically for the task but these pictures will always make me happy to look at them.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Charm Offensive

"I'm in love", Chester declared to me a few months back.
"Oh really", I reply " Who with, Pasha?" (Mary in the christmas nativity, lovely south african parents, great prospects!)
"Um, Lily?" I guess. (Pretty, blonde and adores Chester!)
"Nope, Sareeka" He smiles. "I'm going to marry her!"

At this point Tallulah pushes her way into the conversation..
"And Mummy, he has got a ring in his pocket!"

Chester looks coy and covers his pocket protectively with his hand.

"What ring?", I say, slightly annoyed that he is hiding it but quietly impressed that he has put so much thought into his proposal.

I take back the ring which as it happens is a rather lovely piece of costume jewellery given to me by one of my sisters that Chester must have pilfered from my jewellery box and explain that although Sareeka is a really lovely girl I'm not sure she is right for him  - I think the 20 year age gap could become an issue!
Sareeka is actually Chesters nursery teacher and he adores her, much to the irritation of the little girls in his class who ever since Chester turned up to nursery dressed as a soldier for their Royal Wedding party have been recruiting him as 'Will' for their Kate and Will wedding games and can not understand why he would rather hang out with the teacher than them.

Chester you see is disarmingly romantic. One mum at nursery nicknamed him Casanova after he insisted on taking in biscuits and cards for her little girl Zoe  - and Sareeka of course! - for Valentines day.
He is very quickly learning that looking cute will not always get him what he wants and so at the tender age of 4 has developed an incredibly effective charm campaign. He will frequently and unprompted interupt whatever activity he is participating in, put his head to one side, look at me with his huge saucer sized eyes and the longest eyelashes you have ever seen, smile and say,
"Mummy, I really love you". I Melt. He will then generally follow this with a request for sweets or biscuits. Im defenseless.
In fact it seems wherever he goes within minutes he has managed to attract the prettiest girls in the room who will then follow him around giggling and flirting for as long as he is interested.

And so as Sports Day hails the end of term and the children are chanting his name as runs in his final race with obligatory bean bag on his head I shed a few tears. He has had such a wonderful nursery school experience and has forged some lovely relationships aswell as having his first crush that I feel sad that my gorgeous little boy has to grow up and move on. I watch him gently kiss his teachers goodbye whilst he hands them their leaving gift and I try so hard to keep myself composed.

I wish for my sake he retains his wonderful sense of charm and chivalry that will no doubt get him in and out of trouble and the for the sake of his future girl friends he never loses it.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Those Quiet Moments.

I suppose I'm feeling sentimental today...
Yesterday morning my new baby nephew Jonjo was born. When I woke up the sun was beaming and it was a gorgeous balmy summers day...what a fantastic day to enter the world. There is nothing more magical than bringing home a new baby. As my babies get older I appreciate so much more how precious that time is when they are tiny and as the hazey cloud of it all is lifting now Felix is 18 months I occasionally think back to those evening cuddles and middle of the night feeds, when all the noise of the day has gone and it is me and this tiny little person.
So when Felix woke at stupid o'clock the other morning - he is still not used to the light mornings and sits in his cot and shouts for me - although half asleep and irritated at being woken from a comfortable slumber I went in to see him..He was standing in his cot smiling at me and pointing to the door. I picked him up and we tiptoed downstairs where everything was quiet.
I got his milk and cuddled him whilst he drank..He ate breakfast and I took photos....

He played, I took more...

He entertained..I took more.

Even though I was tired and ever so slightly hung over from the night of drinking and dinner with our friends who were cosily tucked up in bed in the cabin, I was grateful for that lovely quiet time with my precious baby once more.