Tuesday 13 September 2011

School Daze!

Today was the day...Chester started big school. Big sigh....
I was fighting back the tears as Tallulah gently coaxed him into his uniform this morning ever the nurturing older sister that she is.
My chatty little four year old will now be spending his days chatting with someone else... and most likely being told to keep quiet too!
He is more than ready for big school... its me thats not ready to let go. I thought it would be easier second time around...When Tallulah started school I was a wreck but put it down to hormones as I was expecting Felix at the time but it was no easier this morning when I sat Chester down to play with the lego and said goodbye...at least I managed to leave the classroom before starting to cry!

He had his home visit last week.. Two of his teachers came to our house to visit him and chat about school. The first thing he did was invite them into the garden to watch a display of forward rolls that he had been practicing. He then proceeded to tell them all about guns and artillery and that when he grows up he will most likely be a special agent.
'Do you have any questions you would like to ask us about school Chester?' enquired Mrs Tuttle.
'Erm, Yes... Do you have guns at school?'

Oh dear! I laughed rolling my eyes ever so slightly worried that they might think he was serious.

He told them that he likes dressing up and was it possible to wear his batman costume to school.
I explained that he has a vivid imagination and that I am not always sure of his academic prowess but he does   know how to command an audience and can be relied on to provide some amusing entertainment and just occasionally you may have to tell him to keep quiet!

So have fun at school my little special agent.
